Design Management

The design of your new office space or facility has a significant impact on the flow and management of your work, and thus your success. An inefficient, inferior, or substandard design can interrupt workflows making it more difficult to get work completed and thus reducing productivity and profits.

Design Management
PSG PM in building
Canva Imgs Construction

Manage Formation of the Design Team

Having talented and experienced designers on staff is part of what makes our construction management company successful. However, that is only half the equation. The other half is our ability to assemble and match the correct design team for the project at hand. 

Review or Develop Standards for Office Space Utilization

You bring us your needs and ideas for your office space and our team will bring you experience, innovation, and proficiency. The type of business you run undoubtedly will affect how the office space is laid out and used; however, how you want to run your company will also have a major impact.

Do you imagine an open office plan with conference rooms with glass walls or individual offices with doors that stay shut? Will you want a full kitchen in the break room and lots of room for socializing, or a simple coffee machine and a microwave? How about your décor style? Minimalist and professional? Warm and welcoming? Abstract and creative? 

These are all considerations we address in our meetings with you.

Manage the Preparation of Preliminary and Final Space Plans

Once our design team understands your wants and needs, we commence drafting design plans for your space. This is an exciting stage of the construction project as you get the opportunity to see a preview of what your space will look like once it is finished. 

A new space can be invigorating and motivating for your staff. It’s evidence of success, advancement, progress. The right design of new space can propel your organization to achieve new heights.

Oversee Preparation of Final Contract Documents

While we are finishing the design, we are also in the process of selecting the right team to make our plans a reality. This project encompasses many individuals, including builders, finish carpenters, electricians, plumbers, HVAC technicians, computer technicians, painters, and flooring specialists. We also hire teams to complete work such as hanging drapes and artwork, decorating with plants, and sourcing items such as lamps, rugs, and all the little things that make a big impression.

We prepare and vet the contracts, ensure they are properly signed, and schedule the work to begin.

Building Permit Procurement Oversight

Work cannot begin without procuring the correct building permits, however, and this is a task we also undertake. Our construction management company works hard to avoid interference with the construction schedule we have created, and to this end, we manage acquiring all the correct permits from local authorities.

Construction management projects

American Institutes for Research

American Institutes for Research

Arlington, VA

PSG provided Project, Construction, Relocation Manag...

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Capital One

Capital One


PSG is currently serving as the overall program and ...

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Richmond, VA

PSG is providing Project Management Services to reno...

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