PSG Capabilities 

Executive Summary

Project Solutions Group (PSG) provides construction, relocation, project management and facility management services to the Federal Government under the following GSA schedules.

MAS – Multiple Award Schedule: Professional Services Schedule (PSS) Construction Management

GSA Contract Holder GS-00F-367GA

Reference Numbers

  • Duns #: 128221525

SINS Under GSA MAS Categories

  • Professional Services Category (541611)
  • Engineering Services (541330ENG)
  • Comprehensive Furniture Management Services (541614CF)
  • Office Furniture (33721)
  • Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management (561210FAC)
  • Energy Consulting Services (541690E)
  • Facilities Support Services (561210FS)
  • IT Software (54151)


  • Certified Small Business

Main Federal Agency Clients

  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Government Services Administration
  • U.S. Department Of Defense
  • U.S. Fish & Game Services
  • (FMCSA) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • U.S. Dept of Homeland Security (FEMA)
  • U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement
  • U.S. Coast Guard HQ
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  • U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
  • U.S. Food & Drug Administration
  • U.S. Office of Personnel
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human services
  • U.S. Department of Interior
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
  • U.S. Department of the Army
  • U.S. Architect of the Capitol
  • U.S. Supreme Court

PSG Differentiators

The seven PSG differentiators are:

  1. Involvement
  2. Principal participation
  3. Experience
  4. Team
  5. Communication
  6. Documentation
  7. Excellence

High Level of Involvement: We believe in going beyond the roles of ‘organizer’ and ‘reporter’. Our staff become highly involved in each project to actively prevent and resolve issues. We don’t just know what is happening on each project; we are active participants in problem resolution.

Principal Participation: We assign a PSG principal to each and every assignment. In this role the principal will support our project team, perform quality assurance of our service delivery, and furnish technical expertise and guidance in support of the client’s goals and objectives.

Experience: PSG has overseen more than 30,000,000 square feet of both new construction and interior renovation projects that include an array of facilities and projects. Our experience is extensive, from new base building projects to sidewalk panel replacements.

Concept of Team: PSG has created a team with documented strengths in programming, space planning, transition planning, moving, and furniture design, analysis, and procurement. We will perform our assigned tasks and manage the performance of the design team and other key teammates to assure they work in a collaborative and team-oriented manner. We live by the phrase, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” and understand that a cohesive group of designers, construction managers, contractors and vendors all working together will be best prepared to meet your goals and objectives in the most effective and efficient manner.

Importance of Communication: Information, knowledge and data must be equally shared and understood to achieve goals and objectives for our clients. PSG’s team makes extensive use of internet-based project collaboration software to enable all team members to work with the most current information. This practice provides each team member outstanding access to data and enhanced collaboration and communication techniques that allow everyone to work more cohesively and effectively.

Documentation: We understand that consistent, clear, and effective documentation is critical to the success of a project. PSG has developed an extensive library of over 80 standard documents and templates that thoroughly address all project requirements. These templates will be directly used to address the managed tasks and reporting requirements of this assignment. We oversee and manage all project documentation so that all decisions, budgets, schedules, and actions are easily available and clearly understood.

Commitment to Excellence: To PSG, excellence is defined by exceeding our clients’ expectations. We strive for excellence by providing creative and cost-effective strategies to challenging issues. PSG performs within aggressive development schedules, provides value engineering expertise and technical skills which result in cost effective, efficient, secure, and durable solutions. PSG’s idea of excellence is doing the unexpected and continually raising the bar to achieve better results.

Past Performance

Established in 2002, and headquartered in the Washington DC metropolitan area, we have overseen more than 100 million square feet of new construction and renovation projects for commercial offices, base buildings, institutions, and mission critical facilities.

“I’ve walked into numerous facilities and have never seen one built to this level of quality this fast.”
– Confidential Government Representative

“I wanted to take the time to thank you and the PSG team for the excellent job managing our Mount Weather project. The ease of doing business with PSG, their high level of professionalism and innovative approach to Project Management are greatly appreciated. PSG representation is a value-added service to our program and has helped to augment our Project Management staff on our most difficult and highly technical projects. I especially appreciate the technical guidance, insight to code compliance across all disciplines, but most valued are cost-avoidance strategies I have seen implemented on a weekly basis. PSG’s services have resulted in an overall monetary benefit to the USG and the taxpayer.”
– Peter A. Marshall, Deputy Director, Engineering Division, DHS/FEMA

“Thanks for all your help getting us into our new space. When I arrived here in 2013, I knew right away this was going to be a challenge. Anyway, with your help and assistance you made it happen! Again, thanks for all your efforts!”
– Chris Hartley, Division Administrator, US DOT/FMCSA

Key Contacts

Position Leader Phone Email
President/CEO David Zorger 703-563-0499
VP Accounting and Administration Lesley Lancaster 703-563-0480
David Zorger
VP Project Management and Construction management Services & Corp Development
Ted Tremain
VP Accounting and Administration
Lesley Lancaster
VP Government Services
Kip Fleury

Detailed Government Contractor Services

Available offerings under the consolidated Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), GSA Schedule GS-00F-367GA:

Professional Services Category (541611)

A full range of management and consulting services that can improve a federal agency's performance, and help customers meet their mission goals.

Services include:

  • Program and Project Management
  • Relocation Management
  • Strategic and Organizational and Financial Planning
  • Assessment and improvement of financial management systems and business processes
  • Financial reporting and analysis
  • Financial policy formulation and development
  • Actuarial services i.e., economic, and regulatory analysis
  • Program metrics

Engineering Services (541330ENG)

Services include:

  • Concept Development
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Preparation of Feasibility Studies
  • Preparation of preliminary to final plans and designs
  • Provision of technical services during the construction or installation phase
  • Inspection and evaluation of engineering projects and related services

Comprehensive Furniture Management Services (541614CF)

Including but not limited to:

  • Project Management
  • Assets Management
  • Furniture Design/Layout

Office Furniture (33721)

  • Includes all furniture placed in an office, such as chairs, desks, etc.

Complete Facilities Maintenance and Management (561210FAC)

The following facilities maintenance services can be ordered as stand-alone or in multiple combinations. Electrical services to include: High/low voltage systems and maintenance and repair of exterior electrical distribution system;

  • Fire alarm system preventive maintenance and repair service.
  • Fire suppression system preventive maintenance and repair services.
  • Ground’s maintenance - to include: Snow removal & landscaping;
  • Maintenance of energy management control systems (EMCS).
  • Maintenance of renewable energy systems.
  • Maintenance support training and consulting services.
  • Mechanical and operations maintenance & repair of building systems to include: HVAC, boilers, chillers, etc.;
  • Painting (Davis-Bacon included).
  • Plumbing operations & maintenance.
  • Tree trimming.

Energy Consulting Services (541690E)

  • Energy Management Planning and Strategies
  • Metering
  • Energy Program Support
  • Building Commissioning
  • Energy Audit
  • Resource Efficiency Management (REM)
  • Water Conservation Services

Facilities Support Services (561210FS)

These services can include a combination of services, such as:

  • Elevator maintenance
  • Fire alarm and/or suppression
  • Related services to support operations within facilities

IT Software (SIN 54151)

Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Asset management software and accompanying services.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology: allows one to tag and track assets reading one tag at a time from a certain proximity. Assets can be identified as people, equipment, files, art, etc. RFID technology provides improvement over the use of barcoding as line of sight needed for barcodes is not needed for RFID tags.

RFID labels utilize radio waves for reading the tags, meaning that tags can be read from a distance (approximately 10') and many tags can be read all-at-once. RFID makes inventories/audits more efficient since the radio waves will find and read the tag from a distance. Also, RFID stationary readers with antennas can be placed around a facility's doorway to passively track direction of movement from people with RFID tags. The portable RFID reader can be used to find a specific person’s RFID tag as a backup to the RFID doorways.

Systematic Asset Management (SAM) Software: utilizes both Barcode and Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) to tag and label individual items and track their movements.

  • Fixed RFID Readers /Antennas are placed around doorways to track all items entering or leaving an area.
  • Staff can be issued RFID name badges or have RFID labels placed on existing name tags or name badge holders. RFID will track each person coming into or leaving, all items in their possession and the time/date.
  • Portable RFID Readers are used to inventory items in circulation, to maintain the database current with the locations of all items as of the most current inventory.

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